Hello, how are you doing? I hope you’re well.
What a year it has been. We’ve had so many great guests on the podcast that I wanted to compile some of the highlights as a reminder if you’ve already listened to them, and as a taster to help you work through the back catalogue if you’re new to the show.
if you want to dive into a particular episode, I’ve put links below so that you can navigate straight to them.
I’ve got to say I really enjoyed re-listening to these episodes and it’s been a good prod for me to incorporate more of the insights into my own parenting.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy listening to snapshots of guests from the first half of 2024, and I’ll publish another episode covering the second half of 2024 next week.
Big hug
Links to guest episodes included:
Rob Poyton
John Stewart
Andy NcNeilly
Ned Johnson
Dr Hannah Bereznicki
Scott H Young
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